Saturdays, April 5th & May 3rd 8:30am-12pm
Join artist David Yapp for a time of plein air painting at Wakamatsu Farm. "En plein air" is a French term meaning “in the open air” and refers to painting outdoors. Bring your own paints and equipment for a time of self-guided painting. You supply all your own materials and equipment (easel, canvas, oils, acrylics, watercolors, etc.), choose your subject, and enjoy the camaraderie of painting outdoors with other artists. Instruction not provided. We encourage meeting together for picnic lunch after the morning session. Rain cancels. All painting levels welcome. Responsible children 12+ welcome (w/adult supervision). Meeting location Gold Hill/Placerville area. Cost: $15/members, $20/non-members. A detailed email will be sent once you register online at REGISTRATION LINK