Project WET Training
Calling all Teachers!
Come learn some easy to follow, inexpensive, hands-on activities about water that you can implement into your everyday curriculum. These activities blend science, language arts, math, STEM, and SEL components into fun and engaging activities that you can do inside or outside of your classroom. Find more info about Project WET here.
Nic and Megan will give you the skills you need to be confident in your delivery of these activities while also giving you the background knowledge you need to feel confident in your delivery. Nic has 13 years of classroom experience at the high school level and has used Project WET activities in many of his lessons. Megan has 8 years of experience working with students of all ages in an outdoor education setting.
Completion of this workshop will allow you to purchase 0.6 CEU credit through CSU San Marcos for just $20!
Coffee, tea, lunch, and your own copy of the NEW Project WET activity guide are included in your registration fees.